What is an Orthodontist? How do I Know if I Need Orthodontics?

People often think that a great smile means you are healthy. The health of your mouth is indeed essential to your overall health. Misaligned teeth, also called malocclusion, can cause tooth decay and gum disease and make it hard or painful to chew. However, not everyone is blessed with naturally perfect teeth. Dentist Marsden should be consulted if one has a poor bite or significant gaps in one's teeth. What Is An Orthodontist? An orthodontist is a dentist trained to find, stop, and fix problems with the teeth and jaw. They resolve existing issues and are prepared to spot problems that might happen in the future. They treat patients of all ages, from children to seniors. When Should I Visit An Orthodontist? If you have any of the following, you need to see an orthodontist Logan: • Overbite This dental issue, often known as "buck teeth," occurs when an individual's upper front teeth protrude too far forward in relation to their lower front teeth. • Under bite: When t...